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An Introduction to Lino Printing

Enjoy the process of this dynamic and popular form of printmaking. Using your own design or image, produce a one coloured lino print to take home.

Learn how transfer your design to vinyl, use lino tools to cut, ink up your lino plate and print using a small etching press.

A fun workshop designed to encourage you to try further printmaking techniques.

Tutor will supply most of the materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your fee.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Thursday 5th September 2024
Tutor Jacqui Dodds
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3479
Fees £80
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Logwood Natural Dye, Foliage and Seedheads

Using eco-printing techniques combined with logwood natural dye and various foliage, create some wonderful images on paper and fabric.

The logwood dye produces a beautiful blue base colour, perfect for creating bold prints.

You will experiment and print onto handmade paper, card tags and also silk and cotton. You will be amazed at the stunning effects that a variety of leaves and seedheads can create on different base materials. 

The resulting samples can be used in many creative projects such as art collages and stitch projects.

Students are encouraged to bring along any foliage and seedheads that they would like to try to take prints from. Your tutor will advise on their suitability.

Tutor will provide all materials. This cost is included in your course fee.

A light lunch is provided.

Date Thursday 19th September 2024
Tutor Jane Hunter
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3543
Fees £85
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Logwood Natural Dye, Foliage and Seedheads

Using eco-printing techniques combined with logwood natural dye and various foliage, create some wonderful images on paper and fabric.

The logwood dye produces a beautiful blue base colour, perfect for creating bold prints.

You will experiment and print onto handmade paper, card tags and also silk and cotton. You will be amazed at the stunning effects that a variety of leaves and seedheads can create on different base materials. 

The resulting samples can be used in many creative projects such as art collages and stitch projects.

Students are encouraged to bring along any foliage and seedheads that they would like to try to take prints from. Your tutor will advise on their suitability.

Tutor will provide all materials. This cost is included in your course fee.

A light lunch is provided.

Date Wednesday 25th September 2024
Tutor Jane Hunter
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3581
Fees £85
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Monoprint And Collage

Create a line drawing and collage using a mixture of collage, mono printing and other media.  This method, called direct trace drawing, produces a linear monotype that has a unique soft edged quality similar to the tone and line in soft ground etching.

Begin by using torn paper to make a simple collage, then rolling up printmaking ink onto a sheet of Perspex, draw on the back of the collage to transfer a mono print drawing on top of it.

Take your work further by working on top of the image with media of your choice, watercolour, inks, watercolour pastel etc.

Tutor will provide all materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your fee.

Students are requested to bring along a selection of their own simple images for inspiration. Please also feel free to bring along any interesting papers to use for your collage such as tissue papers and any photocopies of patterns and textures.

This workshop is suitable for beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Thursday 26th September 2024
Tutor Jacqui Dodds
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3491
Fees £80
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Screen Printing On Textiles

Learn how to make simple, vibrant designs for a piece of calico or a tote bag. You will then make cut paper stencils to print through.

Translucent colours make interesting overlaps and fine lines can be achieved as well as bold shapes.

You will print on paper at first to gain confidence with your screen, squeegee and print pastes.

Learn how to mix colours, handle screen-printing equipment and enjoy how the simplest shapes can create wonderful designs.

Your tutor will provide images for inspiration but do bring any ideas, designs and photos to inform your work.

Most materials are provided by the tutor. This cost is included in your course fee.

If you wish to print on a tote bag, these are extra and will cost £5 per bag, payable to tutor on the day.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Saturday 12th October 2024
Tutor Sophie Woodhouse
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3499
Fees £95
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Image above is of a student’s work on a previous workshop.

Image above is of a student’s work on a previous workshop.


Collagraph with Chine Collé.

Collagraph is a loose term meaning a print made from a collage. Experiment with a variety of materials to glue onto a printing plate, usually a piece of card or board which you can seal before using it to print.  Many materials can be used but usually: paper; paper tape; wood; plastic tape and fabric. Layers of adhesives may also be used such as PVA glue, varnish, and gesso to create mark making. We will then add colour to our plates and prints with the use of  Chine Collé and print using a small etching press.  

Chine Collé is a technique whereby we will glue thin papers such as tissue paper or Japanese paper and this is sandwiched between the printing paper and the printed image. This added layer of colour becomes integral to the print.

Students are requested to bring along their OWN images, designs or drawings to use as inspiration.

Tutor will provide a selection of materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your course fee.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Thursday 17th October 2024
Tutor Jacqui Dodds
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3570
Fees £80
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Silk Satin Scarf – Watermarking Techniques

One of the beautiful effects offered by silk painting is the creation of watermarks – darker outlines to areas of colour. 

This workshop will allow you to build layers of colour and marks on a luxurious pure silk satin. The dense weave and glossy surface of the fabric will show off the design with glorious results on your own lovely unique long scarf.

You will learn the basics of silk painting, experiment with colour mixes and applications and how to fix your colours to the fabric. All students will leave with one, beautifully coloured silk satin scarf measuring approximately 160 cm x 45 cm.

Tutor will provide all materials to enable you to make one scarf . This cost is included in your course fee.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Tuesday 29th October 2024
Tutor Clare Linford
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3533
Fees £90
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Lino Printing Festive Cards and Tags

Spend the day learning this dynamic way of printing and produce personalised cards and gift tags for the festive season and special occasions. Students will use their own design or image to produce one lino cut for a gift tag and one for a card . Students will learn about transferring their designs onto lino, tools to use and safe cutting techniques. These will be inked up in one colour of your choice and printed using a small etching press. Students will print a set of 6 cards and 6 gift tags during the workshop and will be able to take away their lino cuts enabling them to print more copies at home if they wish.

Tutor will provide all materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your fee.

Students are requested to bring along their own simple images for inspiration.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Thursday 7th November 2024
Tutor Jacqui Dodds
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3571
Fees £80
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Reduction Lino – 2 or 3 Colour Printing

Learn how to create a two or three colour reduction lino print. One piece of lino is used multiple times in one print, as the lino plate is recut after each colour printed. Learn about the tools, materials and registration techniques used in this process and, using your own design, produce a finished coloured lino print.

Tutor will provide all materials for this workshop.  This cost is included in your course fee.

Students are encouraged to bring along their own designs.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Thursday 14th November 2024
Tutor Jacqui Dodds
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3480
Fees £80
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Screen Printing with Paper Stencils

Learn how to cut your own paper stencils, transfer these onto a screen printing frame and produce wonderful printed images onto paper.

Screen printing is one of the most direct methods of producing multi-colour images. The screen print is produced using a rectangular frame over which a fine mesh has been stretched. Areas of mesh not to be printed are masked out using paper stencils and inks are pushed through the mesh's unmasked areas using a squeegee, so producing an image on the paper surface below.

The tutor will provide all materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your fee.

Students are requested to bring along their own simple images for inspiration.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Wednesday 4th December 2024
Tutor Jacqui Dodds
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3580
Fees £85
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info