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Zarzo Basket

The Zarzo basket is a design based on a Spanish tray used to drain cheese.

Danish basketmaker Ulla Misser took the basic design and experimented with making deeper baskets which are extremely striking and popular. During this workshop, you will be taught this special technique and create a round Zarzo basket.

Tutor will provide materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your course fee.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A picnic lunch will be provided.

Date Tuesday 6th August  2024
Tutor Alisha Davidson
Time 9.30am – 4.30pm
Ref 3476
Fees £90
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Weaving With Plant Fibres

Phi weaves primarily with English rush but has recently discovered the beauty of combining many plant fibres to make decorative and useful objects.  She gathers plant leaves and bark from the garden, her cultivated willow and from the wider countryside.

Join Phi at Westhope to weave different fibres to create something of intense beauty and interest.  Simple weaving techniques are used and minimum tools;  make a beautiful, useful little wall pocket and, if time allows, a table mat.

Phi hopes to inspire everyone to look at what they can use and put weaving skills into action.

Tutor will provide materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your course fee.

Suitable for complete beginners and for students who wish to use their weaving skills to experiment with different materials.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Tuesday 24th September 2024
Tutor Phi Evans
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3562
Fees £85
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info

Weaving Wild – Stitched Braid Baskets

Stitched braid baskets are found all over the world, with archaeological evidence of their creation dating back to the Paleolithic Period. On this one day workshop you will learn how to harvest and prepare various materials suitable for this simple yet versatile basketry technique, focusing on locally gathered grasses which we will plait and sew into one or two small pots to take home.

This workshop is suitable for beginners, and will open up a world of basketry possibilities!

Tutor will provide some materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your fee.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch will be provided.

Date Thursday 10th October 2024
Tutor Jeanette Gray
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3563
Fees £95
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Weaving With English Rush

Learn to weave English Rush.

Join us for a day weaving with this beautiful, strong versatile material.  Used for chair seating as well as weaving it can be used to make attractive and functional items for the home.  Watch its natural colours come alive.

On the day you will make one small, beautiful bowl using time honoured weaving techniques, which could also be applied to other plant fibres.

Once you have finished your bowl, and if time allows, you may want to weave a simple table mat.

Everyone can weave this lovely material, using simple hand tools. It's addictive!

Tutor will provide all materials for this workshop. This cost is included in your fee. 

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers .

A picnic lunch will be provided.

Date Tuesday 15th October 2024
Tutor Phi Evans
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm
Ref 3564
Fees £85
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info