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Introduction to Stained Glass

Repeated due to popular demand!
An introduction to the skills behind the craft of church windows.

Have a fast but fun-filled day creating your own stained glass panel, choosing your design from a selection of pre-prepared templates.

Your tutor will guide you through the processes of choosing your design and coloured glass choices.

You will be shown how to safely cut your glass to shape and how to work with lead cames, solder and leaded light cement to create your own wonderful small panel to take home.

The finished panel is approximately 17cms x 25cms.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and improvers.

A light lunch, refreshments and all the materials to complete one panel are included in your course fee.

Date Tuesday 4th March 2025
Tutor Jennifer Brewer
Time 9.30am - 4.30pm
Ref 3635
Fees £95
One Terrier Loyalty Paw - more info


Painted Stained Glass Panel - Three Day Workshop

A three day workshop where you will design and make a beautiful, painted and stained glass panel. Learn how to combine coloured glass, glass paints, lead cames, solder and leaded light cement to create a unique 20cm x 30cm panel to take home.

Day one: Learn how to create a simple design template for your panel and then how to safely cut coloured and textured glass to fit.

Day two: Learn how to mix and apply black and brown stained glass paints. You will start by practising on spare pieces of glass before using these techniques on several of the cut  pieces from your design. These pieces will be fired in the glass kiln overnight making the painted detail permanent on your glass.

Day three: Assemble all of your prepared glass pieces and lead these together to form your unique panel. This will be ready to take home at the end of your workshop.

This workshop is suitable for beginners and improvers, and would be a great follow-on workshop for those who have already done the one day Introduction to Stained Glass workshop.

All materials, light lunches and refreshments are included in the workshop fee.

Date Tuesday 8th April, Wednesday 9th April, Thursday 10th April 2025
Tutor Jennifer Brewer
Time 9.30am - 4.30pm
Ref 3637
Fees £285
Five Terrier Loyalty Paws - more info